How to Elope to Alaska: A Bucket List Elopement

Activity Inspiration


WHY THEY LOVED IT: A Jam-packed, Unbelievable, Elopement Adventure

“How to elope to Alaska?”

That is exactly what my clients searched in Google that fateful day, hoping how to elope to Alaska in a way that felt like an adventure they’d want. So, how should you elope to Alaska? Well, dream BIG, lean in to the unexpected, and know there are luxurious options available even when you desire adventure. So, keep your mind open, and read on below see more on how THEY chose to elope to Alaska!

See, they were looking for a partner to help fulfill their Alaska Elopement bucket list experience. They knew they wanted to wanted to elope to Alaska, but they weren’t sure how to elope to Alaska.

As they scrolled and clicked all the links available to them, they found a lot of the same: beautiful elopements that reflected traditional weddings.

But Ronnie (she/her) and Anthony (he/him) weren’t looking for an elopement they could have anywhere else. They needed to know how to elope to Alaska.

And then they found my site and it pulled on the adventurer string in their own hearts. See, I don’t believe that you should have an elopement in Alaska that you could have literally anywhere else. I don’t believe you should be confined to the typical elopement box. Instead…I prefer to smash the heck out of that box. 😉

Because if you wanted a basic elopement, there is no way you’d be going to Alaska anyway.

Keep reading to hear how this couple’s story emerged in Seward, Alaska.

Day one – Prepping

Our first day together was the day we finally got to meet in person. We had chatted over video, sent numerous emails, and excited texts over the last 14 months, but Day One is where our adventure truly began.

This first night, we met up, had dinner, and went over all of the details at their cabin.

We discussed the itinerary, chatted out any nerves they felt, and I helped Ronnie with a little sewing project.

This elopement adventure was a “Just Us Elopement,” meaning that it was just Ronnie, Anthony, and I. Even though their crew wasn’t with them on the adventure does not mean that they were excluded from the experience.

Ronnie had a pin and a necklace pendant from her mom and grandmother. During our pre-elopement prep meeting, we sewed them inside her jacket to ensure they were close to her heart for the entirety of their elopement adventure.

Now that all the final details were squared away, we were ready for the adventure.

Day 2 – Elopement Adventure Begins!


The vow portion of our adventure wasn’t to begin until early evening. The morning of, Ronnie and Anthony opted to add on an “Adventure Session” for us to explore together.

As we walked about downtown Seward, we eased into their elopement adventure. We had endless fun and so much laughter. Additionally, it gave them a chance to get more comfortable exploring and interacting together in front of the camera.

I had already scouted out our path through town and knew I’d take them to a coffee shop in town. I knew they had done their engagement photoshoot at a coffee shop, so I wanted to give them a little surprise nod to their story together.


After a short break, we regrouped as I joined Ronnie and Anthony at their cabin to capture the sweet anticipation of getting ready. They chose to get ready separate from each other on separate floors in the cabin, as they were excited for a surprise first look.

And what a sweet first look it was. Suddenly, all the prep and all the planning was real. With tender hugs, gentle tears, and laughs, the adventure was officially– and beautifully– underway.


That evening, we hopped on a helicopter to the dog sled mushing gamp. During their morning excursion, Ronnie and Anthony wondered “WHAT IF…” and asked if it would be possible to exchange their vows on the glacier during their dog sled trail ride.

That is what I love about adventure elopements, there is space for flexibility and adjustments. Plus, my work as an elopement concierge allows me to vet everyone we add to the team to make your dream a reality.

So, I knew that when I called up Elise, our ace coordinator at Seward Heli to explore the option, I knew they would be onboard to make this new dream a reality!

Working with Shelby (she/her), our helicopter pilot who was also going to be the officiant, and Turning Heads Kennels, the host of the dog sled adventure, Elise confirmed it was a go! Everyone was excited to bring this unexpected and fun vision to life!

The guide, Xael, was amazing about the vow exchange and said, “Any spot that moves you, is yours to have.” So as we rode in the sled around the glacier, they saw a mountain peak with a beautiful surrounding space and decided that was THE PLACE.

Shelby, their pilot AND officiant (how cool is that, lol), was back at camp awaiting word, so Xael contacted her by radio with coordinates and she rode a snowmachine (aka snowmobile or snow sled depending on where you are from!) out to meet us. It was epic. Then, afterwards, she flew us back over the spot so they could see it from a different view.


We concluded our dog sledding, hopped back in the helicopter, and flew to their backcountry yurts for an overnight glamping experience. Located perfectly on the edge of a glacier lake with a lagoon filled with icebergs.

It was there we met Max, the next member of our team and our backcountry camp host.

Max and I teamed up to deliver the couple their fully plated 4-course dinner with champagne. (I’m still drooling over these AMAZING smoked ribs and a heap of fresh Alaskan crab legs from Firebrand BBQ that were all carried by helicopter earlier in the day!)

From their perch on the deck of their lovely yurt, overlooking the glacier lake, Ronnie and Anthony enjoyed this amazing meal from a beautiful sweetheart table with a tablescape I carried in by helicopter that day.

So… All that to say… Let this be your reminder that YES! You CAN have it all! 😉


What’s another way how to elope to Alaska is different than anything else? Choose to elope over the Summer Solstice in Alaska and embrace the midnight sun!!!

At about 1 am a thick layer of fog rolled over the lagoon and blocked out the “night” sun.

Embracing the most darkness we’d seen in days, we went for a walk on the shore of the lagoon in the semi-darkness. Eerie beauty greated us as you could hear the icebergs creaking, and see their looming shadows in the mist.

Day 3– Elopement Adventure Continues–


The next morning our adventure continued!

We started with a relaxed, slow, wake-up and Ronnie & Anthony enjoyed breakfast service at their yurt.

Another way their loved ones wanted to bridge the family distance gap was that their family had compiled cards from all their loved ones.

Ronnie’s little sister compiled them into an amazing scrapbook that I’d helped her secretly match to their custom vow books. 😉 The cards & letters were a beautiful surprise and a wonderful way for the couple to feel close to those nearest to them during this special experience.


After breakfast, we headed out with Max for an amazing kayak tour through the lagoon, among the icebergs.

Max and I had prepped a lunch earlier that morning, stashed them in the boats, and ate a lovely lunch in the sunshine next to the lupine blooms.


We returned to camp for another bucket list elopement adventure: a cold plunge in a glacier lagoon filled with icebergs!

After that exhilarating (and cold!) dip in the lagoon and some glorious lounging on the sun warmed rocks, Ronnie and Anthony put their formalwear back on and prepared for the helicopter to arrive.


The adventures continue! We ended with Shelby and one final sightseeing helicopter tour.

We landed on a mountain-top perch, overlooking the gorgeous Resurrection Bay in Seward Alaska.

While for some couple this may be their only stop for their helicopter elopement, for Ronnie and Anthony it was the cherry on top to close their amazing two day elopement adventure. How to elope to Alaska? Dream BIG!

Perched on the mountaintop, overlooking the gorgeous water, snow, and mountains all around them, it was here that the couple shared their first dance to their favorite song, and enjoyed reading the love letters from family and friends back home.

After The Elopement Adventure “Ends”-

Just because our time together came to an end, does not mean that the adventure was done!

Ronnie and Anthony had told me that they wanted to extend their elopement into a honeymoon. This is something I HIGHLY recommend! When in an amazing place for your wedding, keep the energy and fun going!

This is another place where my concierge support helps smooth your journey, as I aim to create completely immersive experiences, however you choose to celebrate! So, I worked with them on figuring out their interests, goals, and with recommendations from my own travels and from my trusted local network, I put together a few itinerary options.

Based on our planning, I helped Ronnie and Anthony get booked into an adventure-ready Jeep rental for their travels.

As the heli landed back at the hangar from that last amazing elopement stop on the mountain, “see you laters” were said, hugs were exchanged all around, and Ronnie and Anthony and set sail on the rest of their love story!

How to Elope to Alaska:

To answer your question of “How to Elope in Alaska,” you can elope in any way that YOU want. But make it big, beautiful, and captivating…just like your love.

Alaska is unlike any other elopement location. It’s the final wild frontier and planning your wedding experience there should be treated with the same curiosity, intentionality, and wild amazement that is found when adventuring there.

Let’s see what everyone else is doing and then do something completely different. Something wild and bucket-list worthy. Something that completely captivates you and your partner’s hearts and makes you feel enveloped in the twinkle of magic of your love story unfolding.

So how will YOU elope to Alaska? Well, let’s get started to find out what YOUR story will be–introduce yourself here. I can’t wait to meet you and show you what’s possible!


Hi! I’m Kate, 

and I’m in your corner.

Lifelong “sporto.” Traveler. Organized optimist. Adventure accomplice.

With my whole soul, I believe that you and your partner should marry in a way that feels like you.   SO... Four years ago, I completely reworked my photography business to honor that vision.  To create a safe space for couples to create a wedding experience that feels right.

I changed course so that you can too.

Freeing couples to get married exactly how they want to, with no limits on what that looks like.   Is that bold?!?  Maybe, but you're ready!  

Reach out below and let's get started🙌

Let's build your elopement adventure!